G2 Avatar Skin [Rust Devil]
This texture pack is made for G2 Cyber VR Avatar Base and it is required for use
As free files have a 25mb limit, there is a redirect link to Booth.pm where it can be downloaded, apologies for the inconvenience
"After being left out in the sun and rain, G2's tend to rust, found a spare right arm too, but that oil stain isn't coming out"
This texture pack is PBR (Physically based)
For use in unity, change material types to Standard (Roughness Setup)
Assign Each Texture to the corresponding shader channel
head_BaseColour - Albedo
head_Height - height
head_Metallic - Metallic
head_Normal - Normal (Select "Fix Now" if prompted)
head_Roughness - Roughness
Visual Aid provided in the zip archive
Rust Devil Texture Maps for G2 VR Avatar Base in 2K